To attain to-die-for, glowing complexion, our skin must first be in a healthy condition. Here are the common signs of skin in distress and what you can do about them.
Skin Problems
1. Itching
Itching skin usually signals an allergic reaction to a medication, skincare or cosmetic product. If you experience itching, calm down your skin with cold compresses and try to identify the source that's causing it.
If your hairline is itchy, red and scaly, your hair product (shampoo, conditioner or hair coloring dye) may be responsible. In this case, switch to another product immediately.
2. Stinging
A stinging or mild burning feeling indicates that a product or one of its ingredient is irritating your skin. Because stinging usually occurs immediately after the offending product has been applied, it is easy to track down the irritant. Discontinue use or switch to a gentler formula.