Lasik Side-Effects and Complications
Lasik procedure, however quick and painless, is still surgery, and surgery has its risks. So make certain you are aware of the potential complications and side-effects that may occur.SIDE EFFECTS: Side-effects are relatively uncommon, but may include burning sensation due to dry eyes, glare and light halos at night.
Complications, although very rare (less than 1 per cent), can happen and may leave the patient with a poorer vision than before:
HEALING PROBLEMS: If the cornea flap fails to adhere correctly to the eye's surface, this leads to an irregular eye surface and defective vision, and requires another Lasik procedure to smoothen out the eye's surface.
OVER- OR UNDER-CORRECTION: If the vision defect is over- or under-corrected, this may need a repeated Lasik procedure to rectify the problem.
Finding the Right Surgeon
Because Lasik is a delicate procedure requires experience and skill, experts agree it is vital to go to a qualified, experienced surgeon. Discuss with your surgeon on possible complications, ask how many cases he has performed, and how successful they have been. If you find that your concerns are not adequately addressed, see another specialist – it is important that you be comfortable with your doctor.