Puffy Eyes: Causes & Fixes

The culprits behind eye puffiness, and how to treat it.

Getting Rid of Puffy Eyes

  • Stop Using Irritating Products. If you suspect your new eyeshadow or eye cream is the offending agent, stop using them for sometime and see if the puffiness goes away.

  • Lightweight Eye Cream. Use a lightweight eye cream to counter dryness around the eyes. This can help reduce the swelling and irritation.

  • Sleep Perfect. Get plenty of sleep. Sleeping with your head slightly elevated can help reduce the water retention.

  • Remove Makeup Every Night. Be sure to remove all traces of makeup cleanly before you sleep.

  • Contact Lenses. Contact lenses can cause irritation and swelling of the eye. Never wear your lenses longer than what has been recommended. Rinse and clean your lenses with special lens cleaning and disinfecting solution. If you're wearing disposable lenses, change a new pair regularly, be it dailies or weeklies. Once they are past their designated time period, they should be tossed away, even though they still seem to be in good condition.

  • Cold Compress. Using cool compresses or teabags on the eyes helps to reduce the swelling. Placing your eye cream in the refrigerator to apply when it turns cold works too.

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