8 Biggest Adult Acne Culprits

Plus ways to zap those embarrassing spots.
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5. High-carb diet

Consuming a lot of carbohydrates as part of your daily diet won't do your skin any favors: A 2008 Australian study suggested a link between eating carbs with a high-glycemic index (think sugary snacks and junk food) and the severity of acne. Those who ate low-glycemic foods were found to have less severe acne, according to the study.

Spot-busting tip: It's not about banning all carbs, but about choosing the right carbs. Good carbohydrates to eat are fresh fruits and veggies (which are loaded with nutrients and anti-oxidants) and well as fiber-rich whole cereal grains, beans and nuts. Avoid processed carbohydrates including refined grains, white bread, sugary sodas, candies, and baked goods like cookies.

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