5. Don't eat a heavy meal before bedtime. Going to bed with a full stomach can cause discomfort, but go to bed hungry either – being hungry stimulates you. It's best to eat a light dinner about two hours before bed.
6. Limit how much you drink before bed. Avoid too much liquid before sleeping, which may lead to frequent bathroom trips throughout the night.
7. Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillow.
8. Avoid stimulating activities right before bed such as doing work-related reports, watching TV shows or reading books that frightening or violent.
9. Avoid daytime naps which may steal hours from nighttime sleep. If you must take a mid-afternoon nap, limit it to only a half-hour. If you work nights, draw the window curtains so that sunlight doesn't interrupt your sleep.
10. Exercise regularly. Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster, but don't work out within three hours of your bedtime. Exercising right before bed can increase alertness and make it more difficult to fall asleep.