The Benefits of Optimism

Health, happiness, success and more reasons to stay positive.
#4 reason to smile!

Optimists live longer.

In a 23-year study of personality and longevity conducted among a group of 660 people over 50 in Oxford, Ohio, it turned out that those who viewed aging as a positive experience lived, on average, an astounding 7.5 years longer than those who took a pessimistic view! In fact, the gain in life expectancy even beats that of lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol, each of which have been found to lengthen life about 4 years.

And in another study done by researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn, it has found that pessimists have a risk of death for any given year that is 19 percent higher than average! Researchers suspect that the longer life span of positive thinkers' might be linked to a stronger will to live, as well as the mindfulness to engage in healthy behaviours, such as avoiding drug abuse and staying active.

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