Ditch The Car, Lose The Weight!

Surprisingly easy ways to get active -- walk to ward off obesity and diabetes.
Walk instead of drive whenever you can. It's not just eco- and wallet-friendly (think of all the petrol you'll save), but also an effective way to ward off obesity and stay in shape -- no gym membership required!

A new study analyzed international data from 15 countries to study the relationship between 'active travel' (bicycling or walking) versus driving, and physical activity, obesity and Type 2 diabetes. The result: More than half of the differences in obesity rates among countries is linked to walking and cycling rates.

The study which was published in the American Journal of Public Health found that in Europe, around half the trips people made were mostly on foot or bike, as compared with 8 percent in Canada and 10 percent in USA, which explains why European countries have far less obesity than countries in North America which are highly car-dependent.

The research author Professor David Bassett Jr. from the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport Studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville says this study is part of the mounting evidence that active travel has significant health benefits.

So if you have always been somewhat car-dependent, try incorporating more walking into your life. How much should you aim for? Experts say 10,000 steps a day is the right ball park to be in. To help you keep track of your progress, buy a pedometer and set personal goals for the number of steps taken, and increase the goal gradually over time. Here are some ways to add more steps into your daily count:

  1. Park as far away from the target destination as you can and walk the distance.
  2. Take the stairs -- if it's 3 flights or less, you have no excuse to take the elevator. Make it a habit to walk down the stairs instead of using the lift.
  3. Set aside 20 to 30 minutes to walk during lunchtime.
  4. Take mini breaks from your desk and pace around for 5 minutes.
  5. At work, deliver message in person instead of via phone or email.
  6. Don't sit while talking on the phone. Pace back and forth instead.
  7. Use the washroom on the next floor, so you have to walk more.
  8. Plan more window shopping and less high-teas for girlfriend outings.
  9. Enjoy a slow evening walk after dinner with your partner or family member.
  10. Get off the couch and move around during TV commercial breaks.
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