Unhealthy Health Foods

Think you're making a wise choice with these health food? Think again.
  • 3. Soy Products.

    Hailed as a cure-all for women's health and hormonal problems, soy (or soya) has become synonymous with healthy eating. Because of its rich protein content and being cholesterol-free, soy protein isolates are also commonly used as an ingredient for weight-loss and meat-substitute products.

  • Where's the Sin: Isoflavones (phytoestrogens) in soy, found to mimic the natural female hormone estrogen, may not be best for our bodies. Some health experts worry that these estrogen-like substances may have a negative influence on our hormonal activites, leading to accelerated puberty in young girls, and delayed maturation in boys.

    Modern soy protein products are manufactured using high-tech processing methods which fail to remove the naturally-occurring anti-nutrients (substances that inhibit the body's absorption of essential nutrients) and toxins within the soy.

    These inhibitors can produce gastric distress and reduce protein digestion. Soy-based products are also suspected to be linked to some allergies, pancreatic and thyroid disorders, and even cancer.
    Soy In Traditional Asian Diets
    The ancient Asians used soy for flavoring (soy sauce, miso, etc.) rather than as a main food source. Therefore, soy condiments and flavorings were consumed in very small amounts. These versions are also much healthier on the digestive system because the anti-nutrients and toxic compounds have been removed through the fermentation process.

  • Alternatives: Choose fermented soy products like miso and tempeh, which are more easily digested. Load up on other protein sources that are low in saturated fat, such as white meat (chicken, turkey) and fresh seafood (fish).

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