Back Pain, Aches & Injuries at Work

Understanding what causes workplace backaches and how to avoid them.

How to Avoid Back Injuries


Pay attention to your posture. If you have a habit of slouching or bending over your work desk, you will be more prone to back pains. If you must sit or stand for a prolonged period, it helps to change your position often: Take a 30-second break every 15 to 20 minutes to stretch, move or relax.

  • Sitting. To promote good sitting posture while sitting, choose a chair with back support. If your chair doesn't support your lower back, place a small pillow behind your lower back. Get out of your seat from time to time to do some stretching exercises.

  • Standing. If your job requires you to stand for long periods, avoid wearing high heels. Try cushioned soles and alternate resting each foot on a small stool from time to time.

  • Lifting. Squat with your back upright, then lift the load by straightening your legs back into standing position: This way, your back muscles will avoid unnecessary stress during lifting. Request for lifting aids if the load is too heavy.

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