Birthing Positions

Effective laboring positions to try.
You can learn how to use your body to minimize discomfort and speed the progress of labour. Getting gravity on your side as you position yourself for birth is one way to make your labour more effective. In general, any upright or semi-upright position such as standing, leaning, squatting or sitting can help move your baby along in the right direction.

There are various labor positions to try, so experiment around for the most comfortable one. You may also want to ask your midwife for suggestions for effective labouring positions.

Some basic birthing positions to try:

  • Squatting
    Squatting is one of the most effective positions you can use in labour and birth. When you assume a squatting position (with the support of a person or birthing stool), gravity actually works in your favor during the pushing phase of labour. Squatting also helps widen your pelvic outlet another one or two centimeters.

  • Sitting
    Sitting on a birthing stool or chair can help you relax your perineum and pelvis.

  • Kneeling
    Getting on your knees and leaning against pillows or your support person can help ease back pain. In fact, in a recent Swedish study, it is found that women giving birth in the kneeling position experienced significantly less pain and had an average labour duration of just 41 minutes.

  • Standing
    Standing or leaning upright with a support person can help speed up labour with gravity and also creates the urge for pushing.

Lying position

The lithotomy or lying position is actually not very effective for labour and birth. While lying flat on your back, you have no help from gravity. Your baby presses against your back and can worsen back aches, while your heavy uterus is pressing down on the vena cava (a major blood vessel), and potentially lowers your blood pressure and your baby's oxygen supply.

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