Bullying, Teasing & Name-Calling: How to Help A Bullied Child

Learn how you can help your child deal with bullies in school.
Parents often underestimate the anguish and stress that teasing and name-calling cause children. However, these subtle but serious ways of bullying can often discourage school attendance for many children and erode their feelings of self-confidence. Learn more about the signs of social agressions and how you can help your child.

Teasing is common among children of both genders as young as 3, and the truth is, they're tricky to deal with. Adults don't often see it because it's hard to.

Gender differences

Many people assume that boys are more aggressive than girls. In fact, girls are equally as aggressive; the difference is they use different methods to express it. Boys generally target and embarrass each other by commenting about areas of weakness or questioning their manhood. Girls tend to be more subtle with their name-calling and teasing by spreading rumors, excluding girls from the group and making fun of their physical appearance.

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