Fat-Burning Yoga

Drop a dress size with these yoga moves and diet tips!

1. Crescent

Stand with feet together, arms down at your sides.
Inhale and raise your arms overhead, keeping your fingers pointed toward ceiling.
Keeping your spine straight, exhale and bend forward from your hips, bringing your hands down to the floor. (Bend knees if necessary.)
Extend your right leg and step back into a lunge, left knee bent at 90 degrees. Inhale and lift arms toward ceiling. Hold and breathe, then return to standing. Repeat and switch sides.

2. Bow

Lie facedown, keeping your arms by your sides, with your forehead and hands resting on the mat, palms facing up.
Exhale and bend knees, bringing your heels as close to the buttocks as you can. Grasp each ankle with your hands, keeping knees hips-width apart.
Inhale and lift your heels away from the buttocks, raising your thighs and upper torso off the floor as far as comfortably possible. Press your shoulder blades down and back and keep the lower back relaxed. Hold, then slowly lower and return to starting position.

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