Smart Ways To Ward Off Holiday Weight Gain

Will you over-indulge this festive season? Here's how to beat those pesky holiday pounds.
It's like clockwork every holiday season: You're booked for plenty of office parties, family gatherings, get-togethers with friends, and lots and lots of food. Flash forward to after a fortnight of indulgence, and you notice your jeans have become way too tight. Studies have shown that most adults gain some 'festive' weight over the holidays, but you can minimize the weight gain with a few smart tips to survive all those temptations:

1. Go easy on the alcohol

Alcohol can be a double whammy for weight gain. Alcohol is known for being full of calories but it can have the less obvious potential to make you reach for the fatty treats. Anna Mason, founder of Distance Dieters in the UK, advises staggering your intake and alternating alcohol with other drinks to minimise the damage and help to rehydrate your body so that it's less likely to hold onto excess water.

2. Eat something before the party

If you're going to a get-together that's going to involve food, you probably won't bother eating before you head out. It seems like the logical option but your empty stomach is more likely to make you eat calorific treats. Mason suggests snacking on lean proteins (like ham or chicken) with crudités or a small stir fry with chicken and vegetables.

3. Choose lean

You don't need to ignore treats altogether over the holiday season -- you just need to be careful with what you choose to eat. Mason recommends opting for lean proteins like salmon, turkey, ham and pork or salads (hold off on the high calorie dressings, though!). Her big no-nos include the usual suspects -- high calorie starches like pizza, chips and potatoes; desserts like trifle, cheesecake and fudge; chocolates, and cocktails. The fat and carb content of these kind of foods can easily exceed 450 calories in just one sitting, warns Mason.

4. Focus your attention elsewhere

If the temptation gets too much, distract yourself by concentrating on your fellow guests and you'll probably be too busy to think about the food.

5. Get your beauty sleep

Here's enough good reason to get an early night's sleep -- not getting enough zzzs can encourage weight gain by upping your levels of hormones that stimulate your appetite. At the same time, your levels of hormones that let you know when you're full go down. If you've ever noticed that you eat more when you're tired, this is probably why.

6. Get physical

Exercise is probably one of the last things on your mind during the party season but it's a must if you plan to indulge -- you can burn as much as 600 calories per hour through medium to high intensity cardiovascular activities, says Mason, which should make you feel less guilty. Once your diary becomes less hectic and the motivation to stick to your new year resolutions kicks in, make it your aim to up your physical activity so that you can tackle any holiday-related weight gain.

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