| | 2 / 10 1. Avoid trans fat
When it comes to fertility, a big dietary no-no is trans fat. This is a fat that has been changed by a process called hydrogenation that increases the shelf life of fat. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health found that a higher intake of trans fats can create fertility problems. If even as little as 2 percent of your daily calorie intake comes from trans fats, your chances of failing to conceive can as much as double.
Fertility tip: How little should you eat? Apparently trans fat is so unhealthy that there's no minimum recommended intake. Foods containing trans fat are typically processed, snack foods (such as biscuits, chips, cookies). To eliminate trans fat, looking at food labels is a good place to start but it's not fool-proof: Manufacturers are allowed by law to label their product "trans fat-free" as long as it contains 0.5mg or less of trans fat per serving. A better way: Check the ingredient list for "partially hydrogenated oil" -- a clear clue that trans fat is present.
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